Henson Brothers Old Tyme Radios

We are Jim and Jeff Henson, twin-brothers from Cincinnati (Glen Este), Ohio. We both attended vocational school for Communication Electronics (television and radio, both retired Navy Chiefs with a love for antique radios.

This is our hobby, bringing back to life treasures for ourselves, friends and family of a by-gone age where things were maybe a little simpler and slower. Where the radio wasn’t a square plastic box on the shelf, but was for the family to gather around and hear the news of the day, stories from far away places and the center of family entertainment. Check the attic or basement, perhaps you have something we are looking for are something to bring to life again.

Please click on the links below to see the radios we have repaired or restored over the last few years. We hope you like looking and listening to them as much as we have enjoyed working on them. Enjoy!

Also. please bear with us as this site changes from time to time as this is our first go.