This belongs to a nice gentleman named Bob (friend of a former co-worker). Brought it up from Tampa to get it working again. Got hung up on restringing the dial, but one of the fine folks at the Philco Forum helped us out. Nice chassis to work on, has two little bakelite boards under the chassis that the majority of the components are soldered to, made it easy to work on. I believe he said it has been in the family for a long time, this was a good project to help someone out.

This was originally a two-toned cabinet and had an inlaid harp figure above the dial/shadow meter that was lost when the cabinet was refinished sometime ago. The cabinet has the trademarked “incline sound board” where the speaker is mounted diagonally to direct the sound up towards the listener. 

According to There were 2 versions of the model 29X radio, the first (early version) was introduced in 1934 and was basically the same as two other models (the 19X and 44X). This one was introduced in the fall of 1934 for the 1935 model year and there were 27,000 produced of this model. In addition, there were 5 different versions of the Model 29, each with different cabinets; the 29X early and late versions, the 29D, 29TX, 29CSX. It is a 6-tube chassis with 2 bands (AM and SW) with shadow meter tuning aid, power output is 5 watts. The original selling price was $75 dollars in 1935 or about $1660 in today’s dollars adjusted for inflation.

Bob ordered a “micromitter” from the RetroRadioShop and now is playing is favorite Christmas music on his Philo.
Here is another video Bob sent of the radio since he got it home listening to “It’s a Wonderful Life” It will be nice for Christmas