Musicaire was the “house brand” for Minneapolis based “Coast to Coast Hardware stores. Many stores sold their own radios that were built by other radio manufactures and then rebranded. Walgreens had the “Aetna” brand, Sears had “Silvertone”, and so on. This was manufactured by Sentinel Radio Corp out of Evanston, IL. I guess they made radios for a lot of companies, the model number was hand written on the tag inside the cabinet, so faint it was hard to make out, may go over with a sharpie so it doesn’t fade away.

6-tubes, 3-band (Broadcast, SW, Police/Amateur). Cabinet is a little small, but nice looking, magic eye tuning. A co-worker gave this to us along with a 1930’s RCA console. Found them at an antique store in Milwaukee, knew we like to restore radios and got both of them for us. Shame we forgot to take before pictures of this because it was pretty bad! Jeff volunteered to do the cabinet and Jim did the chassis.

Instead of a dial string, there is a round disk that turns against the tuning knob which in turn turns the tuning capacitor. Not sure if is factory or someone did this to the radio, but it was a pain, I ended up cutting a round piece of plastic and replaced what was there. The the usual chassis restoration. The radio performs OK, blue tooth connections were added in case we ever decide to sell it.

Then again, never heard of Musicaire until this showed up and may never see another one, we may just keep it in the family.