Coming at you from 1937 from the Philadelphia Storage Battery Company (Philco) in Philadelphia, PA. The model 60 had already been around for a couple of years, this was one of the iterations. 5-tubes, 2-band (broadcast and shortwave). According to Philco, it comes with such things as “a wide vision dial to aid in accurate tuning, glowing-beam station finder, automatic volume control.” And if you just happened to have one laying around, it was adapted for use with the “Philco High efficiency aerial.”

Don’t remember where this went to after it was restored, but think it went to a good home.

It plays well for 85 years old!
The dredded Philco “bathtub” capacitor. Bakelite blocks with a capacitor stuffed insde and filled with tar. each one has to be unsolderd, the tar scraped out and the capacitor replaced inside and all the connections resoldered. Time consuming!