For 1938 Philco offered up several models of the “No squat. no stoop, no squint” line up. The premise being that with the tops portion of the chassis at an incline, you would be able to see and do everything much easier. The 38-4XX also had something called “cone-centric tuning”, which uses small metal cones which are located in slots behind the dial. The cones can be loosened and locked into place to mark preset stations with the obviously required Philco “Station setting wrench.” 10-tubes, 2-band (broadcast and shortwave).

This particular radio was sitting in a basement in Cincinnati for years and was given to us to restore and keep. Big “Thank You” to Jerry Sexton. This is now residing with Jeff.

The “before” picture
There were several of the dredded Philco bathtub capacitors to be cleaned and restuffed.
The “after” picture
For Cincinnati folks, nothing better than seeing WLW, WKRC, WSAI, WCKY, or WCPO on a radio dial! Back then dials were region specific.