Midwest or Miraco (Midwest Radio Company) was the other Cincinnati radio manufacturer, but they were strictly mail-order only. They would sell you a chassis only to put in your own cabinet or a complete radio. This is an 18-tube, 5-band radio that even will double as a PA system. connections on the back for a phonograph. 14″ speaker and a loop antenna. 6 buttons below the dial for presetting stations.

Every manufacturer had their gimmicks. Philco had the “no squat, no stoop, no squint consoles”, Zenith had the “shutterdial” and “radiorgan” tone control. MIdwest had the “Organ Fonic” filter. According to Midwest “these multiple resonant acousti-chambers deliver the true, round, rich tones of instruments and voices being reproduced…given them a majestic sweep, vibrancy and color that delight the ear..” All that from a paper-mache attachment to the back of the speaker, but hey, if it sells radios.

This radio was located in Greenbay, WI, had it not been picked up when it was another gentleman was prepared to come the next day from Minneapolis to get it. The “Organ-Fonic” filter was in very good shape along with the rest of the radio.

A very big “Thank You” to Mike Simpson from the Midwest Radio Museum who was kind enough to email back and forth on this radio and the other Midwest chassis we have. Lots of good information and fantastic radios on his site: http://www.midwestradiomuseum.com

A very nice looking dial day…
Or night
This is not a very big console, less than 3 feet high.
You can see the “Organ-Fonic” filter under the cabinet to the right of the loop antenna.