These were among some of the models Arvin first produced when production picked up after the war. 4-tubes, broadcast only. This was among several radios we were allowed to salvage from a shed in Cincinnati. Big thank you to Jerry Sexton for all of the radios. The chassis was a little tight to work on but it went well.

A gentleman named Q. Noblitt, Frank Sparks, and Albert Edmond founded the Indianapolis Pump and Tube Company pump Company in 1921, became the Arvin company in 1927 after its first successful product was a car heater patented by Richard Arvin. They bought the rights to the heater and kept the name. The company changed in 1927 and became Noblitt-Sparks Industries specializing in car parts. They sold their first radio in 1934 and manufactured radios until the early 70’s. They even manufactured TVs from 1948 to 1955.