All-American Five table-top radio with clock/timer/outlet. the timer can be used for powering the built-in outlet for a night-stand light, etc. or turning the radio off after an hour so you can listen to music while you fall asleep. Switched RCA jack in the back for your Crosley record player.

Available in the following models/colors: 11-120U – Delux White, 11-121U Ebony, 11-122U Chartruese, 11-123U – Maroon, 11-124U – Regal Blue, 11-125U Sumatra Green. Rebranded as the D-25 series in 1952 with several new colors.

This was an eBay find that needed some work, cracked cabinet, broken clock dial glass along with the usual filthy cabinet/chassis cleaning and then chassis repair work. Turned out well and the clock keeps good time.

before pic
after pic